lunedì 5 novembre 2018

Regali e acquisti/Gifts and purchases

Qualche giorno fa mi è arrivata una sorpresa da un'amica miniaturista, Isabel

Una cassa, su cui sopra c'è persino scritto il mio nome, con dentro bellissime miniature...

L'elefantino è adorabile! E la scatolina, che credevo vuota, contiene un bel paio di scarpine. Nel cestino ci sono tante scatoline di prodotti.

Grazie Isabel! 


Altri regali sono arrivati da Parigi dove mia cugina e famiglia hanno fatto una vacanza quest'estate... 

Il tutto per la mia nuova dollhouse...


E non mancano alcuni acquisti fatti online da me...

Questa sveglia mi ricorda quella che aveva mia nonna...

Non mi piacciono gli alcolici ma questa bottiglia trasparente è carina...



23 commenti:

  1. Es todo precioso, muchas felicidades !!!!

  2. felicidades, tanto los regalos como las compras son especiales.
    Un abrazo

  3. How fun and special to receive gifts inside a shipping trunk! Lovely little things, and a sweet surprise!
    The things you purchased will no doubt add to the fun in your next little scene. I wonder what that will be?

  4. Hello Faby,
    Yesterday, I too received a parcel from Isabel. Her work is unbelievable fantastic. Love your new gifts from Paris and also your latest purchases. Have fun crafting with them.
    Hugs, Drora

  5. Ciao, ma quante cose carine... sono un amore!

  6. How nice to receive this lovely surprise, what beautiful gifts! The elephant and the tiny shoes are just too cute, Fabiola, enjoy it!
    How sweet of your family to think of you when they visited Paris, you're right they're beautiful miniatures for in your new dollhouse. Those eggs look so real!!
    Un abbraccio, Ilona

  7. Preciosos regalos de Isabel y preciosas compras.Besos:-)

  8. Tu es gâtée Faby! Très jolis cadeaux et très beaux achats !
    Belle journée ! Bises. Joce

  9. Que preciosos regalos!!! Felicidades.

  10. Mais quels jolis cadeaux, c'est vrai que l’éléphant est craquant.

  11. Wonderful gifts. The little elephant and shoes are adorable. Great gifts from family and your purchases are beautiful. I love the eggs.
    Hugs Maria

  12. Buongiorno Fabi,
    Che bei regali. Saranno perfetti nella tua prossima dollhouse.
    Un gande abbraccio,

  13. Looks like Christmas is very early in your place - wow, you've been spoiled… both by your family (how kind of them to think of you) and by Isabel. That's what I call a treasure chest, this shipping box miniature with your name is incredible - and the content of course too. That elephant is too cute… and those little shoes! And it's great that you've also spoiled yourself a bit… now I'm curious to see where all these treasures will be used.


  14. Sono curiosa di vedere la tua nuova dollhouse ;-)

  15. A Beautiful array of gifts and new minis to add to YOUR enjoyment and also to ours! Each one is an Absolute Treasure- even the Vodka! ;D

  16. Hi Fabiola! You have received a great bunch of gifts! What fun to find places for all of them! I look forward to seeing more! :)

  17. Pues si que compartimos algunos regalitos preciosos de parte de Isabel que bonito s son ... Al igual que todos los demás preciosos detalles.. Bss

  18. Muy bonitas las compras y los regalos e París Seguro que quedarán preciosos en tus nuevas escenas.

  19. Cuántas cosas bonitas, Fabiola, me encanta todo!!! ♥

  20. Beautiful gifts. Your are a very lucky girl!

  21. Lovely gifts and great purchases. Curious to see all of them in your new project!


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