venerdì 7 giugno 2019

Serra 1:24: primi passi/Greenhouse 1:24: first steps

Ho iniziato a muovere i primi passi nel montaggio della serra...Come sapete sono moooltoooo lenta nei miei progetti...
Prima di tutto ho incollato il pavimento in dotazione. Poi ho rivestito i muri ed infine li ho incollati nel perimetro...ed ho anche notato, facendo una prova, che alcuni pezzi non tornano...mannaggia! Dovrò "inventarmi" qualcosa...


14 commenti:

  1. Me encantan los colores del invernadero, es muy alegre.
    Seguro que encuentras la solución al problema.
    Espero ver pronto los avances.

  2. I also love the colors of this conservatory, warm and cheerful. What a pity that this kit is incomplete, I hope that you can find a solution for it, Fabiola.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Un abbraccio, Ilona

  3. Este proyecto promete.
    El suelo tiene unos colores muy alegres.
    Un saludo

  4. Faby,
    Ce que tu as monté est joli !
    Courage, tu vas trouver une solution ! Bises.

  5. Preciosos colores para los mosaicos!!

  6. Me gusta mucho cómo lo vas haciendo...deseando verlo acabado

  7. It is so exciting to see the walls and floor going up, and I love the jaunty patterns and colors together! I hope you find extra time to enjoy this adorable kit!

  8. Very nice beginning of this project. I am sure you'll find a solution for the missing parts and make something different and beautiful instead. Think of it as a challenge.
    Hugs, Drora

  9. This looks very nice, I hope it will be fine

  10. I love the colours in the green house.
    Looking forward to seeing more.
    Hugs Maria

  11. This is a very promising start… all the different tile and brick patterns look great and will for sure have a stunning impact to the finished project. And although some parts of the kit may not fit as well as one would suppose them to do - I have no doubt you'll find fantastic solutions to fix it. I'm already looking forward to see more of your greenhouse - whenever you find the time! ;O)


  12. Muy buen comienzo, me encantan estas escalas, estaré pendiente de tus avances:-)

  13. No entiendo muy bien cual es el problema, pero tienes que solucionarlo como sea, Fabiola, tiene un aspecto súper bonito! Estoy deseando ver más. Me admira que puedas manejar esa escala. :)


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