lunedì 28 settembre 2020

Casa country: la staccionata/Casa country: the fence

E' tanto che non scrivo un post sul mio blog anche se seguo sempre i vostri blog, care amiche. Spero di essere un pò più costante d'ora in avanti; ho diverse cose da mostrarvi.

Inizio con la casa country il cui giardino è senza fine, sempre in rifacimento...

Dopo tanto tempo e varie prove finalmente ho trovato la staccionata. Ho solo dovuto colorarla per renderla più consona alla casa.

Questi sono i vari pezzi che compongono il giardino, separabile per poter aprire la casa


Nell'insieme la staccionata migliora l'aspetto della casa e del giardino stesso.

Altri miglioramenti sono in corso...




14 commenti:

  1. Me gusta mucho el adosado del jardín,la valla queda muy bien!!

  2. C'est un très joli jardin !
    Bonne continuation Faby. Bises.

  3. un jardin precioso, me encanta la valla, realza mucho el conjunto. La ceramica del suelo queda muy bien. fabuloso conjunto

  4. Ciao Faby! Nice to read a blog post of you again.
    You did a wonderful job at the garden for this lovely house, the garden suits perfectly to this sort of house! I guess that your house is a one who can be found in the mountains.....? If so, perhaps you can also cover the grass (in wintertime) with a thin blanket, one of fake snow? These white blankets can be bought in several shops/garden centra in this time of year, you can find it in the Christmas section, at least here it is. You can cover the grass losely and remove it afterwards without damaging the grass (in real life you can not ;O)). And in summer/spring you can add some pots with plants, a loose garden bench and other things to the lawns around the house, so you can switch it all for the seasons....?
    I hope you don't mind that I suggest these things, because these are just a few ideas....and I'm sure that you've your own plans for this garden.
    The house is just perfect for this specific garden and vice versa.
    Stay safe, take care, dear Faby!
    Un abbraccio, Ilona

  5. Me encanta el jardín y me encanta la casa !!!

  6. Oh, me encanta lo que has hecho, el jardín es perfecto y complementa maravillosamente tu bella casita, en especial ese magnifico rincón con el suelo, la mesa y sillas para tomar algo al aire libre, genial!

  7. A beautiful summer house! I love the garden with all the little creatures in it and I also love the metal garden furniture. I suppose the front can be opened and perhaps you intend to decorate it indoors. In that case, it will be interesting to see more.
    Keep safe!
    Hugs, Drora

  8. WOW!!! Qué maravilla!!! Me encanta ese jardín y es increíble lo bien que resulta la casa con él!!! Felicidades, ha quedado espectacular!
    Se te echaba de menos :)

  9. So beautiful your garden, very appropiate for your cottage! Hugs.

  10. Hello Faby,
    the fence is perfect. Looks fantastic.
    I love your house. The garden will be wonderful.
    A big hug

  11. This fence was the perfect find for your garden, it looks fantastic for this house and garden. And what a wonderful thing that the garden comes in pieces! This will be so handy whenever you're going to make additions... and even when making changes. I like Ilona's suggestion about changing this house and garden for the seasons... and with the removable parts this should be even easier. Have fun!


  12. Se ve un jardín hermoso y seguro que vas a dejarle maravilloso para esa linda casita.
    Un saludo

  13. Hola Fabiola, cuanto tiempo.
    Me encanta la ampliación que hiciste en la casa, ese jardín es adorable. Un beso


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