giovedì 15 ottobre 2020

Casa country: il dondolo/Country house: the garden swing seat

Nel giardino della Casa country, in un angolo, serviva un bel dondolo con dei morbidi cuscini per rilassarsi...

A dire il vero ci starebbe bene il telo sopra al dondolo per ripararsi dal sole oppure un albero dietro...Sto anche pensando di mettere i fiori alle finestre, ma sono indecisa...



14 commenti:

  1. The rocking chair/bench and terrace set, are lovely additions together with the birdbath. Yes, a canopy cloth for the garden bench swing would be nice. I wish I could sit there in your mini garden, reading a book or just relax a bit. Your mini garden will become just as wonderful as the house is.
    Stay safe, take care, dear Faby.
    Un abbraccio, Ilona

  2. Quedará un rincón fabuloso cuando le pongas flores y vegetación.
    Un saludo

  3. Hi Fabiola! This is a lovely swing! I agree it would be happy with a cover... or a tree! But a cover would be easier to make! :) And I think the windows would look lovely with flower boxes too!

  4. Leuk idee om een schommelbank in de tuin te zetten. Een boom in de tuin is ook mooi maar lijkt me moeilijk te maken.

  5. The swing is perfect for this corner, what a lovely piece, perfect to sit with a good book while swinging gently. A cover would make sense to me, a bit of shade is always welcome.

    And the windows really shout for flowers in front of them, this is the sort of house that needs to have flowers all over its front. But the good thing about this is that you can make this addition whenever you're in the swing for it. ;O)

    Take good care of yourself and hugs

  6. Creo que un árbol detrás quedaría genial, y desde luego flores en las ventanas.
    Las plantas dan mucha vida a nuestras casas.

  7. Both the swing and the birdbath look terrific. You are right a cover for the swing will be great and also flower boxes beneath the windows are a very sound idea. It simply is a lovely country house.

  8. Cette balancelle ajoute une jolie "touche" au jardin qui est très agréable !
    prends soin de toi Faby! Bises.

  9. Me encanta el balancín con sus preciosos cojines y la mesa con sus sillas de terraza! Un toldo sería fabuloso así como flores y vegetación!

  10. Cómo me gusta esa casita, no me canso de mirarla!!! Flores en las ventanas? Yo no lo dudaría, Fabiola, estás dando tanta vida a la casa que casi se echan de menos esas flores en las ventanas ♥ Un abrazo!

  11. estás haciendo un jardín hermoso ...

  12. Qué bonito! y el columpio es una gran idea, luce muy bien en tu jardín.

  13. Muy bonito el balancín. Las flores o verde en la ventanas de abajo quedarían bien.

  14. Your country house and the garden are beautiful. The doubleswing is perfect for the corner. I like the fence around the garden, too.


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