domenica 9 ottobre 2022

Scena "La piazzetta della lavanda" - finita/Scena "The lavender square" - finished

Tutti gli accessori sono al loro posto, e ce ne sono davvero tanti a riempire La piazzetta della lavanda

Direi che anche volendo aggiungerne altri non c'è proprio posto!

Siccome niente è incollato, era difficile poter spostare la creazione una volta finita, così ho dovuto fotografarla all'interno della scaffalatura dove la tengo.

Scena intera...

Particolari della scena...

Spero vi piaccia; comunque a farla mi sono davvero divertita.


12 commenti:

  1. Wow Faby! I feel like we have been watching this project come to life for so long, the excitement building with every post about the incredible lavender details that would become an integral part of it. And still, I am so delighted with all the amazing accessories that are a part of the whole display! The charming cart itself is enough to woo you, but there is nothing left undone! One can immediately feel the joy and pleasure you had in creating every aspect = a lavender extravaganza! I know the time and care it takes to set up a scene like this, especially without adhesive of any kind. The arrangement is perfect, and any passerby will be compelled to come in for a closer look of all of the delectable products and gifts inside. If you love lavender, this is your mecca! What a work of art you've created here, and it was so much fun to be a part of watching it become so!

  2. ¡Es precioso! ¡Está tan llenos de detalles!

  3. Fabiola has creado una escena preciosa, tantos maravillosos detalles sobre la lavanda la hacen increíble, creo que hasta puedo disfrutar de su olor!!
    Un trabajo magnífico, felicidades!!!

  4. Una escena preciosa ,has hecho un gran trabajo. Feliz semana:-)

  5. Objetivo conseguido. Proyecto terminado.
    Ha quedado precioso y seguro que si encuentras algo color lavando, tendrá su sitio. Siempre cabe.
    Yo antes tampoco pegaba las cosas, pero después de romper algunas minis decidí que si estaba hecho para esa escena, se quedaba en esa escena y ... pegado.
    Un saludo

  6. A lovely scene, full of beautiful items. I love the way it's displayed.
    Great work, dear Faby.
    Hugs, Drora

  7. Está preciosa. Un gran trabajo !!!!

  8. Hi Fabiola! The scene is truly lovely! I can almost smell the fresh lavender! LOL! You have made so many lovely small items.... it is a bounty of beauty! :):)

  9. It was so much fun to study your photos of the finished scene and to enjoy how you've arranged all the stunning pieces you've made. Wonderful work - it was great to follow all your steps. You have every reason to be proud of yourself. However... I wonder now... what about a rose themed sales cart in the neighborhood... *smile*


  10. Qué bonita tienda de flores. Me encanta...y tus libritos los adoro

  11. Questo commento è stato eliminato da un amministratore del blog.

  12. Very beautiful, many beautiful details, too bad the photos are so small.


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