martedì 19 aprile 2022

Carro lavanda: altri accessori/Lavender cart: other accessories

Dopo la pausa pasquale ho ripreso a fare miniature dedicandomi agli accessori per il Carro lavanda



Scatoline con palline profumate...



Altri accessori sono in produzione. 





9 commenti:

Contrastes-Rosa Mª ha detto...

Muy lindos Fabiola, te quedará un carro de lo más completo. Besos

Jodi Hippler ha detto...

Faby each of these accessories are Fabulous! So well done, and I can't wait to see them adorning the lavender cart!

rosethe-minima ha detto...

Encore de très beaux accessoires !
Ton travail est très joli !

Eloisa ha detto...

Bonitos accesorios !!!!

Drora's minimundo ha detto...

Beautiful accessories. They will look wonderful in your cart.

Daydreamer ha detto...

Hi Fabiola! You have made a lot of beautiful accessories! I look forward to seeing them together in the cart! :)

Marian ha detto...

muy bonitas las combinaciones con abalorios.
A mi me encanta hacer perfumeros porque quedan conjuntos muy bonitos.
En el carro quedara fantásticos.
Un saludo

BiWuBär ha detto...

You've been busy as a bee - and I bet you had loads of fun while creating these fabulous miniatures. Everything turned out awesome and like the others I'm looking forward to see them again being decorated on your cart.


tereminis ha detto...

Que bonito tema.. Y qué bonito loss detalles.. Yo también hice una.!!

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