lunedì 15 maggio 2023

Cat Cafè Garden 1:24 - esterno/ - outside

 All'esterno della struttura ci sono elementi che la completano come... pergola abbellita da una pianta fiorita...

...e una lampada a tema che avrei preferito a forma di gatto...

Gli sgabelli..

 Le scale...

...dove un piccolo gatto si è addormentato...

Il set sotto la pergola...



...e altri gatti...


Il giardino è ancora da finire.



7 commenti:

Marian ha detto...

Ha quedado preciosa.
Ya puedes empezar a pensar en el siguiente proyecto.
Un saludo

BiWuBär ha detto...

It's always the details which make a lovely place even lovlier. What a wonderful place to sit at the terrace and enjoy a cup of coffee and one, two, three, four pieces of yummy cake. The small stairs with paw steps is another cute detail and I also like the board at the entrance very much. I can't wait to see the garden... although it makes me sentimental that this lovely project gets nearer to finishing time. ;O)


The grandmommy ha detto...

What a great place for mini people to spend time. So many details to look at!

Drora's minimundo ha detto...

Wow! The mini kittens will love their beautiful special Cafe.
Hugs, Drora

Eloisa ha detto...

Es una escena realmente preciosa. Me encanta !!!!!

Jodi Hippler ha detto...

It came out absolutely adorable, Faby! You could look at all of the fun details for hours!

Daydreamer ha detto...

Hi Fabiola! The added garden pieces are wonderful! I love the seats under the pergola with the flowers overhead! And the little stools at the counter too! What a fun kit this is! The little kitties are so sweet! I look forward to seeing more!

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