martedì 19 maggio 2020


Mentre molte di voi in questo periodo si sono dedicate alle miniature, facendo bellissime creazioni, io sono rimasta ferma o quasi anche a causa ultimamente di una brutta colica renale.

Intanto voglio presentarvi la sorellina adottiva di Milo, GRETA ...43 giorni di vita e tanta dolcezza


16 commenti:

Jodi Hippler ha detto...

Oh Faby I am so sorry to hear that you have been in a lot of pain! When my husband had kidney stones years ago, the doctor told him that the pain was the closest he'd ever get to childbirth!!! I hope that you are finding a solution and that soon it will be behind you.
Greta is absolutely precious and I bet a great source of joy and distraction. The world and the people in it are so wondrous when they are newly here on Earth, and that wonderment fills us with such love for them. Enjoy every moment!

rosethe-minima ha detto...

Quelle petite merveille ! Greta est une très, très jolie miniature !
Comment va Milo, sa petite soeur lui plait telle ? Pas trop jaloux ?
J'espère que tu vas mieux !
Belle journée Faby !

Drora's minimundo ha detto...

Dear Faby, I hope by now your pains have lessened and that you can get medical help. So sorry that you had to suffer through theses hard times alone.
Greta is absolutely adorable. Enjoy her sweetness.
Hugs, Drora

Alexandra Martinez ha detto...

Dear Fabiola, I hope you are completely recovered and the problem is just now a bad dream. Your little Greta is delightful!!

Ilona ha detto...

Dear Faby, I am so sorry to hear that you were in such pain. I hope your doctor can offer medical help for you?! This pain is awful.
Greta is such an adorable kitten, so young and precious, especially now in these days. Enjoy her, dear friend.
Stay healthy, take care, dear Faby!
Un abbraccio, Ilona

Isabel Ruiz ha detto...

¡Qué encanto de gatita!
Te deseo una rápida recuperación.

ram7255 ha detto...

espero que estes mejor, yo lo pasé y se lo doloroso que es. cuidate mucho y animo.
Greta está preciosa. Adoro los gatos (Tengo dos )

BiWuBär ha detto...

I'm so sorry to hear this - my best wishes for better days to come with no more pain. I was already wondering why it was so quiet here on your blog - but I did not start to worry because you dropped by to comment so I thought you were just busy with something different than miniatures. My, now I know you really were... in the worst way.

But Greta is for sure a source of happiness for you... what a cutie. Enjoy this very special miniature!


PILAR6373 ha detto...

Fabiola,se por lo que has pasado,por desgracia yo también he tenido en varias ocasiones cólicos renales,sólo decirte que pasan,que el dolor se va y luego te sientes bien,como antes,así que mucho ánimo!!!
Greta es todo belleza y dulzura,será la causante de muchas risas y sonrisas en tu casa!

Carolina misminicasas ha detto...

Ánimo, yo también los he sufrido y es un poco horrible.
Un fuerte abrazo.Es e gatito es adorable.

Eloisa ha detto...

Espero que te acabes de recuperar muy pronto.
Greta es una gatita preciosa.

Marisa ha detto...

so cute, reminds me of my little baxter ..hes gone now

Zulueta E ha detto...

Ohhhh! Lamento mucho que hayas estado mal y confío en que ya estés recuperada, Fabiola. Que gatita preciosa!!! Cuanta ternura me inspira! En casa han parido mis dos gatas durante el confinamiento y con una diferencia de 10 días. Por desgracia, dos cachorros se malograron pero quedan cinco correteando ya por todo :) Me encantaría que no crecieran :)
Un abrazo!

iseecerulean ha detto...


Hopblogger ha detto...

Hello Fabiola, I hope you get well soon. I hope the pain goes away soon.
Hello Greta! A bundle of sweetness.
Mini huggs,

Carolina G. Ticala ha detto...

Very interesting post! ✔️✔️✔️ I hope you have a great weekend! 🌺🌺🌺

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